Infatuation Scripts To Make Him Love You Only

The Unexpected  Science Behind  
Why Men Are Naturally Drawn To  Certain  Women
(And why they  constantly  reject or neglect  others).

All her life, Tanya had always  been  told she was "incredible ", "beautiful inside and out ", "amazing ", and "dream  wife  material" by the guys  she'd been with  ...bla bla bla.

Yet  all those  kind and reassuring  words actually  made her feel bad .

Because  the unfortunate truth  is :.

Although  they TOLD HER  she was a perfect catch , none of them would CHOOSE her.

For Tanya, this  showed    they  were all  either lying , or there was something else wrong with her : something so repulsive  that  they could not  picture  themselves staying  with her.

"It made me feel  hopeless " she explained to us . "Why am I just not  enough  for the ones  I deeply  want ?".

"All I want is for  a good man  to choose  me".

So, what makes a man  pick  a particular    woman  while while losing interest with  others? It's  the  question  that has plagued women for all of history .

Fortunately,  researchers  might  finally have an answer .

According to brand-new  research findings  published  in the scientific  journal, "Archives of Sexual Behavior"*, men aren't  attracted to  women based on  "logical  reasons".

Relationship and dating  researcher  Clayton Max explained to  us,  "It's not about ticking   all  the boxes  on his  list  of what makes his  'ideal  woman '. A  woman can not  convince  a man  to want to be with her".

The point is , Max says , when a woman attempts  to convince  a man , pressure him , or show him how  amazing  she is, nine  times out of ten  it will  backfire, as  these behaviors  actually  indicate  the  exact opposite  of what makes men  confidently  sure a certain  woman  is the one  for him.

"The truth  is" according to Max, "men  select  companions  based on whether they do one specific thing :.

They are drawn to  women  who trigger  the  hypnotic  feeling  of INFATUATION".

Psychologists have actually  found  that infatuation comes from  a primal  instinct  deep within the mind ...

And with  men , it's either on or it's off .
When his  infatuation instinct  is ON , it does NOT matter  if a woman  has any of  the qualities   that he wanted .

A woman  could be completely  mis-matched  for him,  yet  he'll make time for her. He'll move cities  to be with her .  .

Because  the Infatuation Instinct essentially  forces  him to ignore everything else except for  her .

So exactly how  does a woman turn on  a guy's  Infatuation Response ... to make him so overwhelmed with desire     he's willing  to do what ever it takes  to convince  her just how much  he wants her?

Check out the In-depth  Video to found out  .
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